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LINQ outer join

Posted on By Jason Liu

Some tips on how to do outer joins in LINQ

1.The introduction of joins in LINQ

2.Right outer join without Lambda

int[] arrayLeft = { 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 };
int[] arrayRight = { 9, 7, 6, 5, 3 };
// In theory LINQ only supports left outer join
// Swap the table sequence to do a right outer join with LINQ
var result = from r in arrayRight where r > 5
			join l in arrayLeft on r equals l into joined
			where r < 8
			from j in joined.DefaultIfEmpty()
			where j + r < 10
			select new { Left = j, Right = r };
Console.WriteLine("After right outer joined in LINQ: ====");
foreach (var r in result)
//{ Left = 0, Right = 7 }

3.Right outer join with Lambda

int[] arrayLeft = { 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 };
int[] arrayRight = { 9, 7, 6, 5, 3 };
// Equivalent right outer join in LINQ with Lambda
var result = arrayRight.Where( r => r > 5 )
			.GroupJoin(arrayLeft, outer => outer, inner => inner, (r, l) => new {Right = r, Left = l })
			.Where( row => row.Right < 8 )
			.SelectMany(toFlatten => toFlatten.Left.DefaultIfEmpty(), (row, flatterned) => new { Left = flatterned, Right = row.Right })
			.Where(x => x.Left + x.Right < 10);
Console.WriteLine("After right outer joined with Lambda in LINQ: ====");
foreach (var r in result)
//{ Left = 0, Right = 7 }