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IEnumerable and yield usage

Posted on By Jason Liu

Below is an example of using IEnumerable and yield.

static void Main(string[] args)
	Console.WriteLine("==== Multiple IEnumerable with values NOT changed:");
	foreach (var item in TestYield(3, false))
	IEnumerable<C> iec;
	iec = TestYield(3, false);
	foreach (C item in iec) Console.WriteLine(;
	iec = TestYield(3, false);
	foreach (C item in iec) Console.WriteLine(;
	Console.WriteLine("==== Multiple IEnumerable with values changed:");
	iec = TestYield(3, true);
	foreach (var v in iec) Console.WriteLine(;
	iec = TestYield(3, true);
	foreach (var v in iec) Console.WriteLine(;

public class C
	public C(int dataIn) { data = dataIn; }
	public int data;

public static IEnumerable<C> TestYield(int count, bool addRandom)
	int initValue = addRandom ? new Random().Next(10, 90) : 0;
	for( int i=0; i<count; i++ )
		yield return new C(initValue + 2 * i);
		//initValue = -99;      // iteration resumes from the end of last yield, not the start of next yield

Program result: