The meaning of life is to explore the world

Algolia implementation

Posted on By Jason Liu

How to install Algolia and push content?

How to imlement Algolia search in your website?

Key words:
Application name: ****
Index name: ****
Admin API key: ****


  1. Below commands doesn’t work under Windows
    ALGOLIA_API_KEY='saldfjpwoeifjlsdfjkoweifj9837592' bundle exec jekyll algolia
    'ALGOLIA_API_KEY' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  2. “jekyll algolia” doesn’t support Chinese under Windows coz cmd is not UTF-8 by default.
    Error message:
    Updating settings of index jekyll
    jekyll 4.0.0 | Error:  invalid byte sequence in GBK

    FYI, running in a start temp.bat doesn’t work either, and running in Powershell doesn’t work either

  3. Below commands works
:: There is no quotation mark while setting Windows environment variable
set ALGOLIA_API_KEY=saldfjpwoeifjlsdfjkoweifj9837592
:: Change Code Page in command prompt to UTF-8
chcp 65001
:: Wait for the finish of pushing to Algolia 
start /WAIT bundle exec jekyll algolia
:: Change Code Page in command prompt back to ANSI Chinese GB2312
chcp 936

Configuration file: D:/JekyllBlog/myblog/_config.yml
Processing site...
Rendering to HTML (100%) |=====================================================|
Extracting records (100%) |====================================================|
Settings are already up to date.
Getting list of existing records
Content is already up to date.
? Indexing complete