What have been done:
- Production release, using jar instead of GitHub.
- Separate the path of input spreadsheet into a configuration property
Problems encountered:
- AWS server cannot update source codes from GitHub and constantly asks for GitHub login credentials.
- Root cause is unknown. A workaround has been applied. We have updated the binary jar file instead of source codes in the AWS server.
- The command to run the jar file in the server has the format below: java -Dserver.protocol=http -Ddomain=happygigs.co.nz -Dssl.lets-encrypt=production -jar web-1.0.jar
- Running java in IDE doesn’t build the .jar file, therefore we should still run the command “mvn clean install” to build the jar.
- In local environment setting, the PATH variable contains “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath” which points to a wrong version of java and causes version conflict that prevents java from building. This variable has been removed.