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Production release, using jar instead of GitHub

Posted on By Jason Liu

What have been done:

  1. Production release, using jar instead of GitHub.
  2. Separate the path of input spreadsheet into a configuration property

Problems encountered:

  1. AWS server cannot update source codes from GitHub and constantly asks for GitHub login credentials.


  1. Root cause is unknown. A workaround has been applied. We have updated the binary jar file instead of source codes in the AWS server.


  1. The command to run the jar file in the server has the format below: java -Dserver.protocol=http -Dssl.lets-encrypt=production -jar web-1.0.jar
  2. Running java in IDE doesn’t build the .jar file, therefore we should still run the command “mvn clean install” to build the jar.
  3. In local environment setting, the PATH variable contains “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath” which points to a wrong version of java and causes version conflict that prevents java from building. This variable has been removed.